Our Primary Service Area
Yes, we work all around central ohio but these are our primary ZIPS: 43035 43081 43085 43201 43202 43203 43204 43205 43209 43210 43211 43212 43214 43215 43216 43218 43219 43220 43221 43222 43223 43224 43226 43228 43229 43231 43234 43235 43236 43240 43251 43260 43266 43268 43270 43271 43272 43279 43287 43291 43206 43207
Some services or offers may not be applicable outside of these areas.
Mulch Rite
London OH 43140
Office: +1 614 893 5049
SMS / Text: +1 614 893 5049
E-mail: service@mulchrite.com
Office Hours:
Mon-Friday 9:30a -2:30p EST
Sat - somtimes
Service hours M-S, 8am - 8pm